March 2018 News Letter

Welcome to March – our month of ‘divine empowerment’. Empowerment means to be authoritatively strengthened to do something by the virtue of the power or authority vested in such individual hands.   In other words, ‘divine empowerment’ is when you are supernaturally...

February 2018 News Letter

Welcome to February, the second month in the year 2018. We give thanks to almighty God for His loving kindness and tender mercies towards us. This is our month of ‘MERCY’. It is my prayer that the mercy of God will speak for us in Jesus name – Amen! ‘Thou in thy...

January 2018 News letter

…In HIS Presence I welcome you all to year 2018. Thanks to almighty God for counting us worthy to be among the living souls – Halle-lu-yah! God’s mercies are indeed GREAT towards us and may his holy name be praised forever – Amen! January 2018, is our month of ‘…in...

December News Letter

Praise the Lord! You are all graciously welcome to the last month in year 2017. December, as it is globally known is the last month of the calendar year where individuals, groups or everyone in general recounts achievements, innovations, losses etc. It is my prayer...

November news letter

Praise the Lord! We bless the name of the lord for the wonderful testimonies from the month of October – our month of ‘divine promotions’ and with joy in my heart, I welcome you to the 11th month of year 2017. November is our month of ‘Great exploits’- Daniel 11:32 –...