by House of Prayer | Oct 2, 2023 | The Trumpet
You are welcome to the month of October 2023 – our month of “Complete Dominion”. In thismonth of complete dominion, may the Lord complete your life in the name of Jesus Christ. In thismonth of October, may the Lord fight all your battles and give you all round...
by House of Prayer | Aug 31, 2023 | The Trumpet
You are welcome to the month of September 2023 – our month of “divine favor”. In this month ofDivine Favor, you will be a product of divine favor in the name of Jesus Christ – amen!August, our month of Perfect Peace, was a glorious month. This is our testimony...
by House of Prayer | Aug 10, 2023 | The Trumpet
You are welcome to the month of August 2023 – our month of “Perfect Peace”. My prayer for youin this month is that you will experience perfect peace in every area of your life in Jesus’ name –amen!Last month was our month of “Undeniable Victory”. Thank God for...
by House of Prayer | Jul 3, 2023 | The Trumpet
MY MONTH OF UNDENIABLE VICTORYYou are welcome to the month of July 2023, the beginning of the second half of the year 2023. Itis our month of undeniable victory. I pray you will experience undeniable victory in this month ofJuly in the name of Jesus Christ – amen!Last...
by House of Prayer | Jun 2, 2023 | The Trumpet
You are welcome to the month of June 2023, our month of purpose. I pray you will experienceabundance and settlement as you enter your season of purpose in this month in Jesus’ mightyname – amen!Last month was our month of Divine Power. God proved Himself...